Eyes on Moon...

The dial sprung to life and chimed lazily, 2AM.
Brooding flimsy stratus clouds flew past the waxing gibbous moon...
Unhurried pensive breeze tickled the sleepy trees on its way,
As the demure moon played peek-a-boo behind the mischievous leaves.
They sat by the side of the road,
Loaded trucks heaved, panted and wheezed past nearby;
But a cloak of silence engulfed them warmly...
“I hate being touched.” - she says tersely.
“You have never been...” - he smiles.
Cackle of laughter erupts somewhere from afar and fades...
A lanky boy with a toothy grin, serves them hot tea...
Mystifying fumes of the amber brown drink rise and waft around...
The two innocuous sets of eyes had already merged into the Moon…!!!
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